Possible uses of the Water Maker, your water generator for the agricultural sector

The IPCC predicts greater and more frequent droughts in already arid areas, reducing water resources.

In North Africa and the Middle East, freshwater resources have declined by 2/3 over the past forty years.

According to data from the FAO (2014), some countries such as South Africa, Cyprus or Morocco are in a situation of shortage (less than 1,000 cubic meters per inhabitant per year).

Among them, Algeria, Israel and Qatar are in a situation of extreme shortage (less than 500 cubic meters).

Underground reserves are threatened of serious risk of depletion, 20% of them are currently overexploited.

In a few decades, some could disappear : part of the Ganges River in India, or such in the south of Spain and Italy or in the central valley of California.

At least 1 person out of 4 could live in a country affected by chronic or frequent water shortages by 2050.

  • Crop watering.
  • Irrigation of vegetable crops.
  • Water supply to isolated cultivated areas.
  • Supply of reservoirs.

The advantages of the Water Maker, fresh water condenser for irrigation and agriculture

  • Water Maker can be located close to needs, no distribution network.
  • Preservation of groundwater.
  • Additional water supply in case of restriction

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